Big Brother Canada 6 Review: “Week 9”

Kaela and Derek’s dominance has taken over Big Brother Canada 6. The showmance is in control and they’ve been steamrolling all of the houseguests to make it to the Final 4. For the last few weeks, we warned that the players would rue the day they failed to not turn against “Daela” and break up the couple. Now, their misses led to this moment: the Kaela and Derek have a 50% chance of entering the Final 3. If only the trio had turned against them during the triple eviction, things could’ve turned out so differently.

Once Derek won the HOH, the trio’s fate was all but sealed. Derek wasn’t going to nominate Kaela unless he was forced, so that meant everyone else was up for grabs. Even with the limited possible gameplay, it was shocking to see that only Maddy was thinking of options to save the trio.

How did winning the POV not cross Will’s mind?! He looked baffled that even a strategy existed. A person with a sense of simple strategic logic could piece together the only way to save Paras, Maddy AND Will – in this case, it would be Will winning the POV so that it would force Kaela to go up on the block. We’ve never been unkind to Will, but he does not deserve to win Big Brother Canada 6. He hasn’t won any competitions, he hasn’t made any game moves, and he hasn’t played strategically to push himself further. The other four deserve to win the title and the prize.

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Suffice it to say, Will made the biggest boneheaded move by dropping out of the POV competition. Derek was not going to nominate Will regardless, and even if he did, Will dropping out of the game wouldn’t have stopped Derek from betraying him anyway. He destroyed any chance of bringing himself and his alliance to the Final 4 together. Plus, if by a miracle he makes it to the Final 2, no one in the jury is going to vote him to win. He had the chance to shake up the game and break up the power couple, but he jumped off to backstab his closest allies to protect himself instead. A move like that is a game killer.

Speaking of the Power of Veto competition, the voodoo endurance game was amazing! An endurance competition that had negative effects based on moves made prior in the competition sounds like a great idea. Watching as each player pulled out a coloured poll from their voodoo doll was a big decision for each of the players as the missing pieces would come back to haunt them. We see moments like that happen when both Maddy and Paras were eliminated due to choosing the wrong poles earlier in the challenge. Kudos to Kaela for her competition beast mode! She wanted that win. She got the win. And she’s building quite a resume that could score her the title.

One of the key storylines missing from the live episodes this week was the foul treatment Paras and Will gave Maddy all week. After Maddy had a game conversation with Kaela and Derek, Paras and Will turned against their “friend” and began spouting vile barbs at her. They broke her down, made her feel terrible, and made her feel like a horrible person for even trying to play the game. The pair wanted her gone, so they treated her like crap until her eviction was an inevitability. Luckily, the mood turned around closer to the end of the week, but that drama was sorely missed during the live shows because it showed the real struggle that Maddy had to go through.

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Maddy’s game was all but over by the time she got evicted. Her closest allies had turned against her, and the couple had closer alliances with Will and Paras. Any chance that Maddy had to play the game went up in smoke before it ever began. And it’s a shame that we didn’t get to see the real gameplaying Maddy that we fell in love with before the season started; if she still had that attitude, that Maddy could’ve conquered everything. Being a super-fan and getting the chance to compete on Big Brother is an opportunity not to be taken for granted – it’s a rarity to earn a spot on the show and get to play. (Our hearts are still with you, Kirsten!) Maddy wasted her chance and didn’t play her best game.

The ninth week of Big Brother Canada 6 kept with the same narrative we came to expect: Daela continued their reign to the top. While certain moments seemed like the trio were going to topple the power couple, reality set in and luck was on their side. If history has proven anything, we could be seeing the strong couple in the Finale 3.



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