It’s tech week on Rise and tensions run high between everyone as they deal with drama both on and off the stage.
Things definitely don’t go too well during tech week. No one is on the same page, from Tracey and Lou to the students. Tracey wants the troupe to take tech week in sections, while Lou wants to do the whole show. He should have listened because it becomes a hot mess real quick.
Everyone is on edge from the beginning. It definitely doesn’t help that everyone is dealing with their own problems privately and tech week is the tipping point. Robbie is the first to let stress get the best of him and he explodes on Lou during his toughest scene.
Earlier in the week, Robbie told Lilette he can’t connect with one of his more powerful scenes. It was a sweet moment between the two and she gave him a confidence boost. However, that little boost didn’t help him when it comes to Lou.
As Robbie continued to mess up his big scene, Lou wouldn’t stop pushing him. Lou was already annoyed that tech week was going horribly wrong and with emotions high, Robbie snapped. After Lou told him it’s like football and to do what he’s told, Robbie screams, “I lost everything for this stupid play.”

As for another troupe member, Simon is causing all sorts of waves. After trying to have sex with Annabelle while everyone was at the steel mill, a rumor starts that she and Simon and actually did the deed. Unfortunately, this gets back to Jeremy who recently shared a kiss with Simon.
When Jeremy asked Simon about what he heard, Simon lied to his face and told him that because Annabelle was his “girlfriend,” they were being intimate. Jeremy is obviously hurt after thinking he and Simon had a connection.
It was sad to watch the hurt in Jeremy’s eyes because everyone has dealt with that type of heartbreak in one way or another. Jeremy and Simon had a great relationship on and off the stage. It’s sad to watch someone so talented, and obviously, in love with Jeremy, torture himself while hurting both Jeremy and Annabelle in the process.
As for Annabelle, she gets the brunt of Simon’s actions when they do try to have sex. Simon ends up telling her he can’t go through with it, leading her to think it’s her fault. She tells Simon to leave and I can just tell this is the beginning of the end for Simon as his life is slowly beginning to crumble.