We are slowly getting closer to the final chapter of Once Upon a Time. But to finally close the book, there is one character who is determined to find their happy ending: Rumpelstiltskin.
Rumple is ready to end his eternal life so he can be with his one true love, Belle. One person who would gladly take over Rumple’s duties as the Dark One is Dr. Facilier. Even though the voodoo man talks to those on the other side, he has no intention of ever being there.
In Hyperion Heights, Rumple discovered that Hazel was killed. When he saw a piece of the thread from the voodoo doll Dr. Facilier used to murder Hazel, Rumple knew he was in trouble. He went to evidence and found that his dagger was missing.
Since Belle’s death, he has tired of being the Dark One. All he wants to do is die so they can live in eternal happiness together. However, the only person who can rid him of his curse is The Guardian. At first, both Regina and Rumple believed it was Anastasia.
Because of that, they let Drisella take her back to their realm so she would be safe. Little did Rumple and Regina know that the true Guardian was Alice.
In their fantasy world, Rumple is able to talk Alice into helping him in return to break the curse the Mother Gothel put on her and her father’s heart. Rumple tries to get Alice to crush Dr. Facilier’s heart, telling her if she sacrificed his heart, the poison in hers would be gone and she would be saved.
Alice, being the pure girl she is, can’t go through with it. While one would think that was bad, it turned out to be a test proving to Rumple she’s The Guardian.
In his shrine to Belle, Rumple tells Alice he’s ready to move on. At that moment, the dagger flies into Alice’s hands taking the darkness out of Rumple. The dagger turns into a ball of white energy as Alice is trying to destroy and end the curse of the Dark One for good.

Before she can completely rid Rumple of the darkness he stops her. He said since she would kill the darkness, she would have eternal life and he didn’t want her to have the pain he had. Rumple told Alice it would be another tower and he didn’t want her to be trapped.
While Rumple has done awful things throughout the series, this was his ultimate “good guy” test and he passed with flying colors.
In Hyperion Heights, Alice finds Rumple and tells him a voice in her head won’t stop. Rumple finds his missing dagger on her and the voice stops. While Rumple believed Dr. Facilier stole the dagger, he realized it disappeared so it would be safe from harm’s way. The only place safe for the dagger is in the hands of The Guardian. It once again proved to Rumple that Alice is the one who could cure it all.
Could Alice be the answer everyone in Hyperion Heights has been looking for? Could she possibly cure Henry and send everyone back to their respective lands? There are only a handful of episodes left and every new one opens more questions about the fate of the heroes.