The double eviction rocked the Big Brother Canada 6 house. Even though the players had come to expect that this twist would be coming up soon, they still weren’t prepared for the repercussions of their actions. Within an hour, two houseguests were sent packing. Based on the two players, the most dramatically volatile and outspoken houseguests were the ones chopped. The viewers were left shocked over what happened, but in hindsight, these houseguests’ games had imploded by the time Arisa Cox called out their names.
Veronica made the biggest rookie mistake for any Big Brother player: She got bored and made a powerful move for the sake of drama. For a more seasoned player or avid fan, they would be able to navigate the minefields and know how to place suspicions on other people. Unfortunately, she was too aggressive in her subterfuge. Once Jesse walked out of the house, she was actively trying to bring up the question of who made the second vote; she got lumped in with Kaela, Maddy and Ryan as the potential suspects. You know this was a bad move when Will knew it had to be her and was mad that she was lying about her move.
Look, I may not have been the biggest Veronica fan, but she at least created interesting feeds and tried to deflect the new houseguest curse. She didn’t need to make this move! Before the implosion of her game, Veronica had a jury spot guaranteed. If she had voted like Jessie as was planned, no one would’ve thought her as untrustworthy and Erica wouldn’t have taken the opportunity to backdoor her. The main target would’ve been Merron, Maddy or Ryan; instead Veronica created pointless drama directed at her and ruined any trust she built up the previous weeks.

Though, Veronica’s poor gameplay did inadvertently create a few positives for the other houseguests. In fact, the female houseguests got closer to each other, with Ali, Olivia, Kaela and Erica having an unofficial girls’ alliance. Elsewhere around the house, Maddy’s relationship with Erica was repaired and Paras started focusing on her game more post-Jessie. These all seem like little things in the grand scheme, but if any of these items flourish, they can be the difference of losing Big Brother or winning it.
If there were any doubts over why Olivia was cast on Big Brother Canada 6, this week showed why. She lived for her villainous “I don’t care” moments. When Maddy was crying under the stairs and needed support, Olivia couldn’t even keep it together to be genuine. The eye-rolls, the faraway looks, the indifference – she is the perfect spoiled villain. She is the type of villain you can love to hate.
Speaking of Erica, she painted too much of a target on herself. Erica is a competition beast who can easily defeat the houseguests to win; just look at the Tomb Raider Power of Veto. On the other hand, she didn’t need to win the Head of Household or the Power of Veto. She was safe going into the week and could easily hide in the background; however, the two challenge wins showed everyone that she’s too strong to keep around. And with the way she dominated the fisherman POV proved that she’s the strongest woman in the house by miles. If she doesn’t establish firm alliances soon or blend back into the background she could find herself as a target by someone who wants to make a big move, like Merron or Ryan.

When it came to the double eviction, Olivia winning the HOH was surprising. Her archetype always seemed like the type of player who wanted to float by and do nothing until she got to jury. However, Olivia was actually trying to win and knew the answers to the challenge. Don’t get me wrong, her chances of winning are still pretty slim to non-existent, but she can add something to her resume if the time ever comes.
The Ryan and Merron nomination was an expected choice for Olivia, especially since they were on opposite sides of the house. Though, when she went after Hamza with the POV switch, that decision left a lot of people gutted. Merron, who only knew Hamza for three weeks now, was near tears knowing that his friend was getting the boot. And Erica, who is a tough person, couldn’t keep it together. The joy of a double eviction is watching and knowing that you can’t plan for whatever happens. The game changes within that hour and someone gets evicted because of the expedited game with no real campaigning. Hamza didn’t seem like the person to be evicted, but here he is now out of the house.
Hamza will be missed more for the drama he caused than for his actual gameplay. As discussed in the past, Hamza was a terrible player. He kept going back and forth on his own plans, he was more focused on shaking up the house than winning it, and he didn’t care about making relationships. Still, he was a joy on the feeds/footage and we’ll miss that constant entertainment. Now with both Veronica and Hamza gone, who will we go to for the fun content? We need a sign!