Emmys 2015: TYF’s Dream Nominees – Vote for Your Favorites!

You don’t have to be an Emmy voter to feel like you’ve been undulated by For Your Consideration ads the past few weeks. There are many, many great TV shows vying for the attention of Emmy voters, but they often…

TV Review: Orange Is the New Black (3×13) “Trust No Bitch”

As you’d naturally expect from a season finale, there’s a lot going on in this episode. It picks up exactly where the last episode left off, in the middle of movie night. The structure of this episode is the same as…

Movie Review: ‘Runoff’

When you take away a man’s dignity / He can’t work his fields and cows there’ll be Blood on the scarecrow / Blood on the plow – “Rain on the Scarecrow,” John Cougar Mellencamp Usually when movie characters turn to a life of crime,…

TV Review: Orange Is the New Black (3×12) “Don’t Make Me Come Back There”

In this episode, Daya finally goes into labor. While this happens, Daya wants her mother far away from her. Aleida is naturally sad that her own daughter doesn’t want to be near her, but she’s the one who pushed her…

TV Review: Orange Is the New Black (3×09) “Where My Dreidel At”

This is an awesome episode, mostly about faith and the different types that the girls have found in and out of the prison walls. MCC decides to bring in rabbis to interview all the inmates who are claiming that they…

TV Review: Orange Is the New Black (3×08) “Fear and Other Smells”

In “Fear and Other Smells,” we meet new inmates and new guards, some of which may or may not be a future threat to the other ladies at Litchfield. As always, there’s a ton of different stories happening at once in…

TV Review: Orange Is the New Black (3×07) “Tongue-Tied”

After watching “Tongue-Tied,” it’s been officially decided that Norma should definitely get her own show. The silent woman has become a God at Litchfield. Some of the women believe that just by Norma touching their shoulders, they instantly feel better.…