TV Review: Wynonna Earp (1×02) “Keep the Home Fires Burning”

“Crazy chick with a gun!” That has to be one of the fastest ways to clear a room. Wynonna certain got people to start moving, but unfortunately it was for nothing. That revenant she was after didn’t die after she…

TV Review: Arrow (4×18) “Eleven-Fifty-Nine”

→) Spoilers. Major, Major Spoilers. (← Well comic book nerd friends, you’re gonna have to get your pitchforks, torches and boxing glove arrows ready and aimed, because last night’s episode of Arrow killed someone off … for good. No Lazarus…

TV Review: Arrow (4×17) “Beacon of Hope”

Maybe I’ve gone crazy in the wake of the self-serious, absolutely bonkers blockbuster movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but between seeing the movie last weekend and a very intense episode of The Flash where Barry gets motivated after…

TYF DC Debrief Returns! Batman v Superman Spoiler Talk

Evan and Ally had some very strong opinions on Batman v Superman – as though this was a unique situation across the vast seas of the internet. As both lovers of film and of these classic characters, the hosts of…

TV Review: Supergirl (1×18) “Worlds Finest”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of “Supergirl.” To catch up on previous coverage, click here. I’m going to get the bad stuff out of the way real quick here: The villains were lame. Yes, we needed stakes, but…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×15): The Brothers Jones

We got to learn more about Killian Jones through the backstory of his brother, Liam and the squad come a little closer to getting the best of Hades. Let’s take a look at “The Brothers Jones”: The flashbacks In the…

TV Review: Arrow (4×16) “Broken Hearts”

Last time on Arrow, Felicity’s newfound independence gave her the power to walk again, and the first thing she did was walk right out on Oliver after having done what he does best: Lie about important stuff. Of course, the…