Arrow 5×02 “The Recruits”

Did I mention that Arrow is still committing to the flashbacks? While Oliver lied to audiences about being on the island of Lian Yu for five years, he has in fact traveled through various levels of “hell” in that time, and…

TV Review: Arrow 5×01 “Legacy”

How do superhero ensembles work, exactly? Most fans of either Marvel or DC would generally say that somewhere between contrast and conflict within a group of heroes is where the best drama and character moments can be found. While Arrow…

5 Ways Arrow Can Improve In Season 5

There has been a significant amount of frustration that has gone into my Arrow-watching. I’ve watched the show since day one and I used to be more excited about it. It’s definitely lost a lot of its momentum and quality over the course…

TV Review: This Is Us 1×02 “The Big Three”

Two episodes into This Is Us and I’m still not exactly hooked, but I’m certainly interested in the story unfolding. We are essentially getting three separate stories, two in present day and one in flashback. And it seems the flashbacks…

TV Review: The Exorcist Series Premiere

FOX Do you really mess with an iconic horror franchise that’s been around since the 70’s and now bring it to television? The answer looks to be YES. That is if you have Fox behind it, which is the case.…

TV Review: Scream Queens 2×01 “Scream Again”

Scream Queens made its second season debut with a reminiscent reminder of what the show really was, with the addition of some new characters and a new killer. The Green Meanie will be memorable, if his name is anything to go…

Fall Network TV Preview

The CW The Flash (Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 8/7c)  The last time we saw Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), he had gone back in time to save his mother, thus creating “Flashpoint.” Season three’s first episode and story arc is based…