Movie Review: Pop Aye

“You don’t look like the type who’d be traveling with an elephant,” says a sympathetic stranger in the opening scene of Pop Aye (not to be confused with Robert Altman’s 1980 failed attempt to pay tribute to a beloved cartoon…

What we find at The World’s End

The Worlds End was one of those movies that had me in constant facial contortions. One moment I was splitting my face in two with a toothy grin, the next it was agape, my hands covering it in empathetic panic over…

Hot Fuzz: For The Love Of Action

We’re taking a look at what has made each of Edgar Wright’s films great in lead up to the release of Baby Driver.  In the long run, it makes sense that Edgar Wright would do an action film. Considering the…

The Handmaid’s Tale 1×10 Review: Night

Harvey Milk was right when he said, “You gotta give ’em hope.” In a world where The Handmaid’s Tale seems more possible than ever, you can hardly blame the series for granting its audience mercies that the source material would…

Movie Review: Kill Switch

Video game movies have left such a poor taste in everyone’s mouth. No matter how popular the property being adapted, movies based off of video games have almost always been made with bad filmmaking, grim atmosphere, stupid writing, and boring…

Lights, Camera…90s Action!: The Top 20 Best Action Movies of the 1990s

Has there ever been a decade as good as the 90’s for action films? It was an era that produced many classics that had pure escapist fun, ludicrous yet entertaining premises, and a whole lot more! Today, June 6th, is…

Cannes 2017 Round Up: Highlights and controversy

Cannes has always prided itself in cinematic controversy and this year It didn’t take much time for the anticipated, but controversial screening of Bong Joon Ho’s “Okja” to create a stir. The film started off being booed not for its…