Music review: Bon Iver’s self titled album “Bon Iver”

This is the music that would be playing as the soundtrack if my life was a movie, and since I know (and  you too know) that is not the case, I have to tell you guys I cannot wait to go on a roadtrip and play this album in my car. Its the type of music that is not too loud, its not too quiet, yet you can’t help but enjoy every guitar strum, every drum beat, every single key in the piano. That’s what “Bon Iver” is.

The lyrics are simple and profound, even though I have to admit sometimes I have to look them up because Justin Vernon’s falsetto puts the non-falsetto like me to decipher what he says over the beautiful melodies. In a way, I think that by not understanding mostly everything, gives everyone the freedom to make up their own meaning to each song.  To me, this album comes off as a refreshing sound from the pop/urban mainstream scene, this is the type of album you listen to relax, to think. If we have to get an album like this everytime Justin Vernon secludes in the forest in Wisconsin, LET THIS HAPPEN MORE OFTEN. Is “Bon Iver” better than “For Emma, Forever Ago”? Each one of them stands on its own and if you do buy “Bon Iver” just let it play and don’t skip any songs, the more you listen to it the more it will grow on you.

Some of my favorite songs are “Towers”, “Perth” and “Beth/Rest”.

Support TheYoungFolks and buy “Bon Iver” by Bon Iver by clicking HERE!



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