Music Interview: Wantigga

When we were introduced to Wantigga, we felt nothing but good vibes from his chill trip-hop/electronica tracks. He recently dropped his new EP Suddenly Everything and it’s got five tracks we currently have on repeat while working in the office. While we’re doing our 9-5, we’re out here wishing we could be somewhere else vibing out to his music.

His music has already caught the attention of listeners in Amsterdam and Paris so we’ll wait until the U.S. hops on the trend. But just remember, you heard him here first. Check out our interview with Wantigga where we learn about his early start, signing with Roche Musique and what we can eventually expect in the near future.

The Young Folks: You started producing at a super young age! How did you go about learning what it takes to produce songs and about the music industry?Wantigga: I started young because I thought it was really fun to do and I still do. I wasn’t really aware of the ins-and-outs of the music industry until a few years back when I started to get picked up by artists and labels and discovered I could really make a living out of music. But even though it’s now my job, it is also the one thing that I can see myself doing until I die. For this, I feel blessed.

The Young Folks: While putting this EP together, how did you decide which tracks make the cut and which didn’t?
Wantigga: For this EP I had the feeling I wanted to create something new and authentic to my personality. Not to make music for clubs exclusively (I am going to release some club bangers soon) but to express how I feel about things. I wanted to make music like how a painter paints. For example, the Introlude is my version of a lullaby. I made it for a friend who has recently became a father.

The Young Folks: You also have some vocals on a couple of the songs, did you work together with the artist to compose the lyrics or was it more so all on your end? How do lyrics and your music come to play with one another?
Wantigga: Sometimes I write the songs I want to be sung, but on this EP all the lyrics were written by the artists that are featuring on the record. We went down to the studio and talked about what inspired us to find a common ground. I feel like every artist that’s on the record really shows their personality just as I did, and I think that synergy is beautiful.

The Young Folks: How did you come about signing with Roche Musique and decide this is the label/platform for you to distribute your music on?
Wantigga: I met Cezaire a couple of years ago during a party in Amsterdam and we clicked. I really love the music they put out and the artistic effort that they put into every release. I also feel connected to the artists that have on their label, some of them I consider to be really good friends. I hope to be part of this family for a very long time.

The Young Folks: Wish we were able to come out to your EP release party. What are you doing to prepare for the show?
Wantigga: I invited some close friends to perform the tracks of the EP live and other DJ friends as well to come celebrate this event with me. It’s not going to be a wild club night, but everyone close to me and to this project will be there so for me this is already a success. We’re also live streaming the entire event so people from all over the world can come join in online. Just check the Facebook page of the event and tune in.

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The Young Folks: For some of us who have yet to attend a show, what is a typical experience like?
Wantigga: I always like to combine the old with the new. Either it’s a hip-hop classic cut into samples and made danceable, or a future edit I made of another track, I always keep the energy high and sexy. I play all different tempo’s and genres, as long it got soul and a groove to dance to.

The Young Folks: In sort of a reversed-role situation, what shows have you been to that you’d like to imitate in terms of audience reaction? What’s one of the best shows you’ve attended as an audience member?
Wantigga: My main goal is to create a live show where my songs will be performed with a band, to mix the electronic with acoustic. I’m working on a repertoire to make this happen and until then I will keep DJ’ing, with or without live elements. Artists like Masego and Mura Masa have these shows I really love.

The Young Folks: After your EP release party ends, what’s next for you? Where can we expect to see you or when can we expect to hear more from you?
Wantigga: Right now I’m working on a new project with my KLEAR boys Jael, Jengi, The Flexican as well as Sam Tiba & Canblaster with a Japan theme. This one will appear around May/June. After that I will introduce new solo work and also guest productions for some really big artists I love. Can’t say who yet, so keep an eye out!



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