Back at the Sundance Film Festival with her feature film debut, director and co-writer Erin…
Movie Reviews

Sundance 2021: ‘Passing’ is a complex exploration of racial identity
In her debut as a writer-director, Rebecca Hall chose to adapt Nella Larsen’s celebrated 1929…

Sundance 2021: ‘Knocking’ depicts the horrors that happen when no one is listening
Director Frida Kempff delivers a simple yet powerful horror film about gas-lighting and processing grief…

Sundance 2021: ‘How it Ends’ tackles the end of the world with only some success
There is no shortage of films about the end of the world, but Daryl Wein…

Sundance 2021: ‘Flee’ is a beautifully animated documentary about the traumas we can’t escape
What does the word “home” mean to you? Jonas Poher Rasmussen’s new documentary Flee—which was…

Sundance 2021: ‘Censor’ sacrifices story for gory genre aesthetics
Director Prano Bailey-Bond creates an ode to the 1980s and horror films of the era…

Sundance 2021: ‘Coda’ is a heartwarming, coming-of-age drama about listening without hearing
Coda kicks off this year’s Sundance Film Festival as one of its best openers in…