The man. The myth. The mustache. No, I’m not talking about Tom Selleck, but someone…
Movie Reviews
Tyler’s Movie Review: The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug
Well color me surprised. I’ve certainly hated a sequel before (i.e. Kick-Ass 2, The Hangover:…
Ally’s Movie Review: American Hustle
I didn’t enjoy this movie. I’ll preface what I’m about to say by making sure…
Jon’s Movie Review: ‘Inside Llewyn Davis’ is a chord of sad tones, but no sour notes
Folk music is often confused for country music, which is like comparing planets to oranges.…
Tyler’s Movie Review: The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Ben Stiller has officially set his ambitions much higher than opening an Institution for “Kids…
Maxwell’s Movie Review: Frozen
The tradition of the Disney Princess extends all the way back to Walt Disney Animation…
Maxwell’s Movie Review: Blue is the Warmest Color
Ever since it won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes film festival this past Summer,…