The Act of Killing is a difficult watch. Throughout the entirety of the film as…
Movie Reviews
Cat’s Movie Review: Grudge Match
There are few movies when you have prominent actors of that genre collaborate together. It’s…
John’s Movie Review: “The Wolf of Wall Street”
Disclaimer: I’m going to try and be professional here and not gush over this…
Jon’s Movie Review: “Her” Transcends Both Man and Machine
Love has always been a complex, subjective string of unexplained reactions and counter-reactions that our…
Luciana’s Movie Review: Shia LaBeouf’s short film “”
Shia LaBeouf wrote and directed “” , a short film that offers an honest take…
Jon’s Movie Review: ‘Saving Mr. Banks’ is Somberly Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean things are better. Sure, you can pretty much do whatever…
John’s Movie Review: “Lone Survivor”
There are a lot of movies that glorify being in the military. Getting the chance…