Film-making is an intense process that requires dozens of elements coming together in a near…
Movie Reviews
Review: 300 Rise of an Empire
‘300 Rise of an Empire’ is a sequel to… Well, wait. It’s not actually a…
‘Wolf Creek 2’ Movie Review + Interview with John Jarratt and Ryan Corr
REVIEW In 2005, Wolf Creek was a booming box office success as word spread that…
David’s Movie Review: The Wind Rises
Rating: 9.5 out of 10 I had been eagerly awaiting the new film, The Wind Rises…
Jon’s Movie Review: Go see “3 Days to Kill” only if you have 2 Hours to Kill
I love a good extended weekend. Three whole days to sleep in, watch Netflix, catch…
Movie Review: Endless Love
I think it’s safe to say there aren’t too many people who are particularly excited…
Maxwell’s Movie Review: Winter’s Tale
Few Hollywood screenwriters come to mind that have had careers as strange as Akiva Goldsman.…