Currently in Australia filming the latest Alien/Prometheus saga under the direction of Ridley Scott, Michael Fassbender…
Movie Features
10 Actors Who Could Play the Next James Bond
For the past few years, there had been multiple rumors that Daniel Craig was done…
‘Star Trek Beyond’ releases new trailer
I don’t consider myself a hard core Star Trek fan, but I’ve gotten to really love…
Should You Choose To Accept It: Celebrating 20 Years of ‘Mission: Impossible’
Honestly, I could not tell you a thing about the Mission: Impossible television show that…
Chicago Critics Film Festival: Most Anticipated Films
The time is almost upon us for the 4th Chicago Critics Film Festival (CCFF). This year’s line-up features film’s you may have not heard of year or some that you’ve been dying to see all year.
Tosche Station Episode 11: Tom Hardy in Episode 8! Snoke is not Plagueis!
Yet another spoiler for Episode 8 has just been revealed regarding Tom Hardy’s role! If…
Why You Don’t Need to Watch Woody Allen to Appreciate Film
I, like many others, full heartedly believe Dylan Farrow. I believe she was abused as…