In 1998, movie fans were absolutely crazy for the release of Godzilla. The U.S. adaptation turned out to be a dud with many reviewers saying it “lacked the spirit of the original” as one criticism. But, through the years there have been numerous planned projects that have been cancelled then planned again, “etc, etc, etc”. But, a rumor about a new remake of the original Japanese film circulated last year, but died away after a little while. But at Comic-Con 2012, which was more than a month ago now and with Comic-Con’s reputation for unveiling unknown movie projects, revealed a big project. Godzilla 3D written and draft by three well known writers; the wonderful, talented, and all out freaking’ amazing writer of Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, Call of Duty: Black Ops, the upcoming Man of Steel and almost all of the Blade movies starring Wesley Snipes, David S. Goyer will be one of the three writers penning Godzilla 3D. One of the writers of both Expendables movies, Dave Callaham will be drafting Godzilla 3D. Writer of the upcoming movie, The Seventh Son starring Jeff Bridges, Max Borenstein will be writing as well. Director of the well-received 2010 sci-fi movie, Monsters, Gareth Edwards was announced as director shortly after announcement. Now be practical; David S. Goyer, Dave Callaham, a good movie for the using of 3D, Godzilla, and Godzilla not starring Mathew Broderick (don’t get me wrong, Mathew Broderick is awesome, just not for a Godzilla movie or any monster action movie then again) and Hank Azaria (not right for a Godzilla movie either). This movie could be what U.S. Godzilla fans could have been waiting for since the first Godzilla in 1956! Two teasers for the film were released at Comic-Con, but surprisingly none were leaked online. “Godzilla is one of the world’s most powerful pop culture icons, and we at Legendary (Pictures) are thrilled to be able to create a modern epic based on this long-loved Toho franchise,” said Thomas Tull, Chairman and CEO of Legendary. “Our plans are to produce the Godzilla that we, as fans, would want to see. We intend to do justice to those essential elements that have allowed this character to remain as pop-culturally relevant for as long as it has.” The official announcement poster and a leaked image from the teaser made it online. You can view those below.
Notice the Japanese influence of the poster -
Quite shrouded in mist. I think Godzilla looks oddly reminiscent of a giant Chinese dragon puppet like the ones you see in Chinatown
With this Godzilla without even seeing the trailer, just by seeing the poster and the leaked photo, I can already tell this will much more truthful to the original Japanese movies than the 1998 version. Bloody Disgusting reported in August that the project was in starting development. The release date for Godzilla 3D is unclear except for the fact that it is planned for a 2014 release.
What makes Godzilla 3D, so cool is that this movie project was kept so well as a secret and it made movie fans so excited when announced. And that is hard because movie fans do get excited a lot! But something kept secret so well that comes out of nowhere and makes movie fans think, “Wait, what just happened” to themselves is almost better than finding out news before hand. Things like this are really part of why us, as humans, enjoy the movies. Weather it is searching the web for movie news, going into a dark room and watching the projector light up the screen, or watching a movie in the comfort of your home, there is always something magical about the movies.