Video games are a unique medium for allowing you to feel more connected with a fictional world’s story and characters in a way that can’t be mimicked by film or television. In knowing that fact, Bioware (creators of Knights of the Old Republic and Dragon Age) allowed me to create and build my Commander Shepard in a quest to save the galaxy in the Mass Effect trilogy, with one of the most rich cast of characters I could ever think of as my team. The best of this crew: Garrus Vakarian, a Turian officer, a skilled weapons calibrator and the greatest smartass I could ever have pretended to get to know over 90 hours of adventuring through the Milky Way. The highest quality bromance, or romance if a player so chooses, with Garrus makes those little moments of dialogue worth having after slogging through waves of enemies. I wouldn’t like to be friends with Garrus, I already was before the galaxy exploded. – Evan Griffin