Crowdfund This: ‘The Immediate Unknown’ Kickstarter Campaign

Life is full of unknowns. As much as some of us like to seize as much control as possible over our destinies, we still get smacked by unexpected curve balls. This usually happens when you start something new, like college. While we see it more often detailed in novels, music and TV, film has yet to really tackle a college drama that strives to capture the college freshman experience authentically.

Kaitlyn Mekertichian must feel the same way since she’s at the helm of The Immediate Unknown, an independent film that wants to tell a story about the shaky transition from childhood to adulthood.

The Immediate Unknown is a story about Chloe, an eighteen-year-old girl who enters her freshman year at Fitz College, a small liberal arts school in the Midwest.

After a few weeks of settling into college life, Chloe makes new friends, experiences her first house party, and meets Dan, a sweet skater boy. As Chloe’s relationship with Dan deepens, Chloe’s friendships with her extroverted roommate Liz and cool girl Nicole solidify.

One day, Chloe finds out her father has unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack. When Chloe returns to school, she attempts to carry on with the new life she’s made at college only to find herself deeply afraid of the impending unknowns in her future. Ultimately, Chloe is left with the decision to grow from her grief or let it defeat her.

Mekertichian has put this project on Kickstarter to help fund its production. She is less than half-way to her goal of $20,000.

So if you want to make this film happen, CLICK HERE to make a donation!

More details on the film and the perks you can receive by donating can be viewed here.


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