With filming having started for Avengers: Age of Ultron, this past weekend pictures of the set have been pouring in featuring two new characters that fans have been salivating for. That’s right, we finally have our first official look at twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff.
In addition to the current star-studded cast returning, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and Elizabeth Olsen officially join the cast as twins Pietro and Wanda Maximoff respectively.
You may be wondering why Pietro is able to appear in two films that belong to two completely different studios. When Whedon had hinted at the possibility of seeing the twins last year fans wondered about the probability of the possibility. After all, Wanda and Pietro are the famed children of mutant leader Magneto who belongs very firmly to FOX. Luckily it was worked out that the Maximoff twins could belong to both studios since they have affiliations with both the X-Men and the Avengers.
While the word “mutant” and all that it implies is still tightly held by FOX, it seems that Marvel still has some ground to play around with if the inclusion of Wanda and Pietro is anything to go by. We might see other X-Men who were Avengers members show up in later Marvel movies. Though Wanda and Pietro may end up being special cases since most of their comic book history is more entwined with the Avengers than that of the X-Men.
Either way it seems luck has fallen upon the fans of the Maximoff twins since reactions to FOX’s upcoming release, X-Men: Days of Future’s Past, have been varied from excited to lukewarm.
Particularly when FOX released official character sets for their upcoming film. Fans initially excited for the promise of Pietro Maximoff were heavily let down. Reactions ranged from disbelief to outright laughter. The popular consensus seems to be that Pietro is a secret Pokemon trainer cosplayer or a Spy Kid.
Fan reaction to the newly released stills of the set of Age of Ultron that feature the Maximoff twins have been more favorable.
Though some have questioned the reason behind Wanda’s ‘mall goth’ look, or Pietro’s beard, there is more speculation going around the forum boards than groaning. Some have drawn parallels between Wanda’s Age of Ultron look to her look in Marvel’s cartoon X-Men: Evolution.
Others still have speculated that the scene depicted in the set photos take place during the future timeline in which Ultron is ruler of the world. Which would loosely follow the comic of which the Avengers sequel shares name with.
As such the twins are a part of a superhero rebellion fighting off their robotic ruler with the help of Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and perhaps other superheroes.

This is just one theory among many that have been floating around since the release of the set photos.
Along with official scenes with the Maximoff twins we also caught a glimpse of Ultron himself. Though we only see the stunt actor with all the works and wiring required to make Ultron come to life the helmet does give fans something to thirst after.

Avengers: Age of Ultron opens in theaters May 1, 2015. While you’re waiting check out the other set photos that have been released and share your thoughts!
