Interview + Photos: DIVERGENT Miami Red Carpet Screening!

On a gloriously hot day in Miami, DIVERGENT stars Christian Madsen and Ben Lloyd-Hughes made their way to Sunset Place to take on some press and greet eager fans. The pair were gracious and generous with their time. Fans were screaming, and the press line was buzzing with questions! We were able to get a quick chat with Christian which you can watch below:


….And we also got to chit-chat with Ben!

Can you talk a bit about your chemistry with Zoe (Kravitz)?

Ben: Chemistry was easy because she’s very cool and sexy.

Was Theo intimidating?


Ben: First time I met him was in a lift. He had a guitar, and I was jet lagged. He was quite intimidating, but he’s very nice. He’s a cool guy.

What did you guys like to do off set?

Ben: We went to see baseball. We went to 2 Rolling Stone concerts. Chicago is an amazing city.

What’s an interesting fact about Shailene?


Ben: She has a very cheeky sense of humor.

What’s one word to describe Divergent?

Ben: Awesome!

You can see more pictures on our Instagram as well as videos of the fan frenzy!


We will be able to put up the full review of the movie when we are told. Look out for DIVERGENT March 21st!


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