With so many streaming services to sift through, missing out on the latest release is all too easy. We here at The Young Folks certainly believe you should get your money’s worth with the apps you choose, so we put together a streaming guide for some of the most notable releases worth adding to your various lists and queues. We’re taking back movie night, people.
Let’s begin with some titles that were timed for release on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Chicago-based documentaries that honor the Civil Rights Movement

These four docs, two of which are short films, offer some insightful and unique vistas into the historical figures and movements occurring around Chicago during the late 1960s. In addition to any programming you might include today in honor of MLK’s legacy, definitely consider adding at least one of these docs to your rotation, especially if you haven’t seen any of them yet.
- Cicero March (1966) – HBO Max
- The People’s Right to know: Police vs. Reporters (1968) – HBO Max
- American Revolution 2 (1969) – HBO Max
- The Murder of Fred Hampton (1971) – HBO Max
Family friendly features

If you’re looking for something the whole family can enjoy, three of the big services have you covered. There’s of course the latest Hotel Transylvania sequel that just debuted on Prime Video, but Netflix and Disney+ also added some titles worth your time.
- Hotel Transylvania 4: Transformania (2022) – Prime Video
- Paddington (2014) – Netflix
- Catch That Kid (2004) – Disney+
- Betty White Goes Wild (2013) – Disney+
For teens, young adults, and the young at heart

HBO Max just dropped their latest animated DC universe movie, which only came out a few months ago. And Netflix did the same with After We Fell, the third in the After YA-romance series.
- Injustice (2021) – HBO Max
- After We Fell (2021) – Netflix
Awards season, past and present

It’s that time of year when the studios are pushing their arthouse favorites, including a dark stop-motion anthology hitting the year early. But even if you want to walk Oscars memory lane, Netflix and Prime Video have you covered there as well.
- The Last Duel (2021) – HBO Max
- The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021) – Apple TV+
- The House (2022) – Netflix
- Phantom Thread (2017) – Netflix
- Intouchables (2012) – Prime Video
The Harry Nilsson documentary you’ve probably been meaning to see

Here’s a fun bonus we couldn’t resist adding. Did you know a Harry Nilsson doc came out in 2006? Well, even if you did, you now have a chance to give it a look on Prime Video.
- Who is Harry Nilsson (And Why is Everybody Talking’ About Him)? (2006) – Prime Video
Anything we missed? Please let us know in the comments below!