Latest Pixar trailer, ‘Turning Red,’ features anxiety-ridden 13-year-old turning into an emotional red panda

Pixar returns with its latest feature, Turning Red, centering on a 13-year-old girl named Meilin Lee (Rosalie Chiang) who involuntarily turns into a giant red panda whenever she gets too excited. However, the problem? Her excitement quickly turns into fear, since it’s not like she can control when she transforms into the furry beast.

Pixar released the official trailer on July 13 and, while it’s a Pixar feature, it will stream directly on Disney+ like most Pixar films during the pandemic or post-pandemic. It will also hit the theaters March 11. Turning Red dives into the emotions of a child in a fun, animated way.

In the official trailer, Meilin Lee sits in math class learning about the quadratic formula. When she discovers her mom’s getting her out of school early (Sanda Oh, The Chair, Killing Eve), excitement floods through her and then immense fear. Because that only means one thing: her classmates will finally see her as the fiery orange creature. 

She mutters to herself, “This isn’t happening,” in hopes she wouldn’t transform in the middle of her classroom. Hyvernealiting, Meilin tries to look as normal as she possibly can, cowered in her desk.  But atlas, her transformation begins and she turns into her inner red panda. As a massive, furry red panda, Meilin’s absolutely terrified and tries her best to run home while hopping from roof to roof in tears (because, yes, she’s that huge).

Directed by Domee Shi (who won an oscar for her short film, Bao), and produced by Lindsey Collins (also produced Finding Dory, John Carter, WALL-E), Turning Red will certainly be a good family-friendly movie.

Turning Red is slated to hit theaters March 11. It will also stream on Disney+.



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