HVFF 2017: From Shazam! to Nerd HQ with Zachary Levi

Zachary Levi closed out Sunday, December 3rd at Heroes & Villains Fan Fest 2017 in San Jose, CA. We were there to bring you the scoop on everything from Thor to Nerd HQ to his upcoming role as Shazam! What were some of our biggest takeaways? Check ‘em out below and if you’re interested, listen to the full panel too! (P.S. It starts right as he’s talking about his role in Thor: Ragnarok).

  1. Zachary Levi DOES want to bring back Chuck!

    But in movie form! He goes on to say, “There are plans, unfortunately they’re only my plans. […] I have some ideas for a plot that I think is genius, but what I would love to do is, essentially, Chuck movies. But not in the movie theaters. I would love to go to Netflix and every two years, do an hour and half to two hour Chuck movie.”
  2. His last words in the Marvel universe were…

    “For Asgard.” Too bad they didn’t make it in the final cut! Levi says, “What is on the cutting room floor is me charging at Hela and getting impaled and going ‘For Asgard.’”
  3. From Thor to… Shazam!

    “The timing of our lives are things we don’t understand,” says Levi. Levi was super bummed knowing his character died off in the Marvel Universe, but with one door closed, another one opened. When he was on vacation, the role of Shazam opened up and BAM! We have our Shazam.
  4. Zachary Levi screen tested for Star-Lord. 

    It was seriously a decision between Chris Pratt and Zachary Levi. Interesting, right?
  5. Nerd HQ was rollercoaster ride that we all didn’t know about.

    Many fellow Nerd HQ-ers know that there was absolutely no presence at SDCC. But did you know it was because a sponsor pulled out at the last minute which led journalists to turn against him for all the wrong reasons?

You can listen to the full panel below!

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What surprised you the most after listening to the panel?


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