Why YA Lit Matters: An Op-Ed Surrounding the Censorship of YA Novels, From a Young Adult’s Perspective

Young Adults vs. Children: Age Makes a Difference in Interpretation There is a measurable difference…

Backstreet Boys Release New Video, ‘Show ‘Em (What You’re Made Of)’

The 90’s are sure back this week. “Show ‘Em (What You’re Made Of)” is the…

Bad Grandpa: A New Kind of Filmmaking?

Obviously we have all heard of the Jackass movies where people with an extremely high…

Top 10 Actresses of Our Generation

[tps_header] Hollywood has a little bit of an obsession with its leading ladies, so why not…

Allyson’s Movie Review: Nebraska

Woody, a man from Missouri, is convinced that he has won one million dollars from…

Evan and Ally Talking: Book to Movie Adaptions Video Blog

Hey all! Ally and Evan are back this week to deliver you another video blog.…

Hunger Games Miami Victory Tour Recap

In case you missed our chaotic live tweeting last week, we’ve decided to update y’all…