For sixteen years, Daisy has been good. A good daughter, helping out with her autistic…
Cat’s Movie Review: The LEGO Movie
What do you get when you decide to mix together the people who made 21…
X Factor Gets the Axe
Could this be a sign that the age of karaoke-style competition shows is coming to…
Jon’s Movie Review: The Monuments Men
Unsung heroes exist throughout history, whose achievements not only merit notice, but in this case…
Oscar Buzz: Evan & Ally Talking Dallas Buyers Club & American Hustle
It’s week three of me and Evan’s countdown to the Oscars and this week we’re…
Fandango Awards Watch Giveaway
Take the Fandango Awards Ballot Challenge for your chance to win movie tickets and an A-list Hollywood…
TV Review: Arrow 2×13, “Heir to the Demon”
At the halfway point of “Heir to the Demon,” new mayoral candidate Moira Queen says…