At what point do good guys become bad guys? That’s the question I ask myself…
Geek Peek: What’s in Store for Captain America and (Agents of) SHIELD?
Like a true fan, the first free couple of hours you had were more than…
TV Review: Game of Thrones 4×01, “Two Swords”
With the gloom from last season’s shocker of the Red Wedding still looming in people’s…
5 Reasons Why It’s Worth it for Lionsgate and Elizabeth Banks to Take A Risk with ‘Heist Society’
Movies based on Young Adult books are all the rage right now. Just this year…
TV Review: Silicon Valley 1×1, “Minimum Viable Product”
HBO has become known for high quality dramatic fare in recent years, most notably Game…
Book Review: The Harder I Fall by Jessica Gibson
The Harder I Fall by Jessica Gibson is a New Adult romance with a lot…
TV Show Guide: Officially Renewed or Cancelled
TV Shows Guide List: Cancelled or Renewed As many of our favorite TV shows have…