If you ask Wes Anderson which of the four main narratives in his fanciful-as-ever twee…

‘Stargirl’ 2×10 review: “Summer School: Chapter Ten” searches for another way to stop Eclipso
Pat and Courtney search for Jennie in their plans to stop Eclipso. We review the tenth episode of ‘DC’s Stargirl’ Season 2.

‘Fauci’ review: A noble attempt to add context to a hero
‘Fauci,’ National Geographic’s effort to tell the polarizing doctor’s story for a general audience, is a new documentary available to stream on Disney+.

Celebrating 30 years with Green Day
In celebration of Green Day’s 30-year anniversary, join us as we count down the 30 best songs that Green Day have ever released.

‘Stargirl’ 2×09 review: “Summer School: Chapter Nine” makes Barbara and Pat face their past
Prepare yourself for another round of Eclipso’s manipulation, DC’s Stargirl fans. “Summer School: Chapter Nine”…

‘Big Brother 23’ finale review: The Cookout achieves making winner history
Finally, the moment has come, and a winner is crowned from The Cookout alliance. We review the finale of ‘Big Brother 23’.