Marrowbone Movie Review: Too much weight placed on nonexistent mystery

Old houses carry an intrinsic eeriness, but the horrors we conjure up in our own…

Krystal Movie Review: A Film Lacking Heart and Depth

Krystal is what happens when a terrible script is made into a film. Unsure of exactly…

The Flash Has a Ralph Dibny Problem

The Flash has a Ralph Dibny problem. It’s become too hard to ignore and, while season…

Album Review: Wye Oak – “The Louder I Call, The Faster It Runs”

Although Wye Oak’s latest album starts strong, and with a lot of elements in play,…

Grace Jones Bloodlight and Bami Movie Review: Bold yet blah

There’s a moment at the beginning of Sophie Fiennes’ documentary, Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami,…

Netflix Takes Action and Pulls Out of Cannes

Netflix announced that they have pulled out of the 2018 Cannes Film Festival due to…

Interview/Concert Photos: Hot Mulligan

On Friday, March 23, Hot Mulligan stood before a crowd at D.C.’s Union Stage and…