UPDATE: Fox Searchlight has acquired the U.S.distribution rights to Shame, NC-17 rating and all. They…
Film Review: ‘Warrior,’ starring Tom Hardy & Joel Edgerton
By: GabrielleAdelle Lately, I’ve been hearing a ton of buzz about Warrior. Much of that…
Movie News: ‘Mouth Taped Shut’ – A Possible Secret Production Blog for ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’
It’s no secret that the admins of TheYoungFolks.com love David Fincher. In fact, we’re admittedly…
Film Review: We’re immune to ‘Contagion’
By: GabrielleAdelle Easily it was one of my most anticipated films of the year. We…
Film news: Carey Mulligan reunites with Refn in “a sex thriller” that takes place in Miami
Carey Mulligan will reunite with director Nicolas Winding Refn from ‘Drive’ in a film called…
Music review: David Guetta’s star studded album “Nothing But The Beat”
By: Lucyinthesky 8/10 Nowadays, who hasn’t heard of David Guetta in the radio? You have…
Film Review: ‘The Debt’ starring Sam Worthington, Jessica Chastain & Helen Mirren
By: GabrielleAdelle Don’t lie. Like really, don’t ever do it! The Debt follows three Israeli…