6. Son Goku (Dragonball series) vs. Akuma (Street Fighter)

Our Fighters: We all know Son Goku, or just Goku for the American fans, as the main character of the Dragonball series. Goku is an alien being that looks remarkably human, but he has more power than anyone else in the series. Goku has been proclaimed as one of the strongest fighters in the history of anime. With power to harness chi and a superhuman physique, he manages to surpass any limit he has. He has notably battled Superman on Death Battle twice, has produced enough power in his blasts to destroy a mountain, and indirectly destroy the moon. Goku can teleport instantaneously, increase his own power 50 times beyond what it is, can fuse with other fighters, and is notably pure of heart. Goku however has some notable weaknesses. For instance, he will not fight an unfair fight, and has been known to show an act of mercy for most villains he fights. Goku also can be killed in any conventional way, such as space, magma, and severe bodily injury. Also, Goku is actually quite dim, usually to a point where his enemies benefit from this.

Akuma is one of the strongest canonical fighters of Street Fighter. He started as a secret boss character on Super Street Fighter II Turbo, but then became his own character; at first sharing a move set with Ryu and Ken, then gaining moves all on his own. Akuma is known as a bloodthirsty, combat-fueled martial artist who seeks the strongest fighters to one day have an ultimate battle to the death. To that end, Akuma has a great amount of power from the “Satsui no Hado” or “Surge of Murderous Intent”, this power, as well as constant training and fighting, has enabled Akuma to perform feats such as increasing his power dramatically, becoming “Oni, the Destroyer of Heaven”, killing an Asian Black Bear as a child, destroying an island in one punch, surviving underwater long enough to destroy a Navy submarine and battleship, Defeating and killing his master to prove his own mastery, destroying a meteorite in one punch, destroying a tree and killing a bird with his mere presence alone, enduring a volcanic eruption, jumping to the moon, and even ascending to heaven to kill God, and traveling to Hell to kill demons. But, for all of Akuma’s power he does have a moral code and weaknesses. Akuma will only battle those he deems worthy, and will not battle opponents with an unfair disadvantage. Akuma is also known to be a Glass Cannon; he can deal out damage but he cannot take it, so therefore his fighting style is focused on keeping in complete control of the fight.

Why are they Fighting: We have all seen the Goku vs. Superman fight. People have complained about the results of the fight, saying about how overpowered Superman is, or how unfair the fight is. Well now we’re pitting Goku against Akuma for a more even fight.
Predicted Winner: This is actually a pretty close fight. Goku has the durability advantage, but the fact that Akuma has no qualms about killing outright, and his fighting style would cause him to remain in control of the fight gives him an edge as well. Both have killed gods and destroyed large masses before. But ultimately, Goku isn’t too bright, and his tendency to show mercy to opponents leaves him open to attacks, and Akuma could take advantage of this, not showing the same mercy, as Goku is powerful enough for Akuma’s full strength. Given that Goku has killed before, he would be affected by Akuma’s Shun Goku Satsu (Instant Hell Murder), which would clinch the match. (Reminder for all of you diehard Goku fans: this is strictly my opinion, which I am attempting to back up with facts. You do not need to accept this opinion.)