7. Batman (DC Comics) vs. Moon Knight (Marvel Comics)
Our Fighters: I’m sure by now we all know Batman’s backstory: rich boy loses his parents to crime, trains to fight that crime, dresses like a bat, becomes one of the most iconic superheroes ever. But the Batman has plenty of accomplishments that you all may or may not know about. Batman has done things no normal man should ever be able to do, such as sneaking up and hiding from Superman, being able to pick the locks at Fort Knox with a ballpoint pen, having the willpower to operate a Green Lantern ring, instilling so much fear that he was eligible to be inducted to the Sinestro Corps, bench press one ton, punch a S.W.A.T. officer through a brick wall, hold his breath for three minutes and 15 seconds, survive in the vacuum of space for 27 seconds, and is known as one of the greatest tacticians and strategists in the DC Universe. With his massive assortment of equipment such as “batatrangs”, the Batmobile, and a suit and utility belt equipped for any situation, Batman can practically defeat anyone. He does however have some weaknesses, such as the fact that for all his feats, he is still just a basic human, and vulnerable to the same things as anyone as is, although with greater resistances. Batman is also very single-minded: His drive to protect Gotham has driven him to a point where he defends it by himself, which can wear him down with time.

Moon Knight is basically Marvel’s version of Batman; Moon Knight was at first just a mercenary for hire named Marc Spector, until he encountered an ancient Egyptian god, Khonshu, who saved his life in exchange for his service. Spector agreed, and became the Moon Knight. At first he simply used mystic weapons granted by Khonshu, but after resurrections, and many adventures, he developed weaponry that mimicked other heroes, such as an energy shield from Captain America, web shooters from Spider-Man, and energy claws from Wolverine, as well as a flying drone for transport. Moon Knight has been a part of the Avengers for a time, as well as many other teams, and has most notably operated on his own, but is a force to be reckoned with either way. Moon Knight has some notable accomplishments throughout his career, such as dying and resurrecting twice, going toe-to-toe with the Sentry (Marvel’s version of Superman), helping fight off a pack of Wendigos, fighting the Punisher to a stand still, slicing a bullet in half with a crescent disc, and is able to manipulate his chi to heal himself. However, Moon Knight’s weaknesses are more notable than his DC Comics counterpart. Moon Knight’s physical strength and power is dependent upon the phases of the moon, being strongest at a full moon. As an avatar of Khonshu, Moon Knight’s mind is fractured into dissociative identity disorder, in order for Spector to cope with being an avatar of a god. As such, multiple personalities clash in his mind and he must struggle to keep it all together.

Why are they Fighting: Both characters are essentially the same. Both crime fighters using their normal human skills, brains, and equipment to combat evil, now we can see which one is better!

Predicted Winner: Isn’t it kind of obvious? Batman! Both fighters are capable of combating each other and with any prep time, could handle anything the other threw at them. Batman, however has a significant edge, with greater feats, a higher base strength, and a much more stable psyche. Moon Knight would have to balance his own personalities, as well as focus on the fight, which would hinder his effectiveness. Batman has prepared his mind to a point where an alternate personality manifests under specific conditions. Moon Knight is also dependent on the phases of the moon to be on top condition, while Batman has no such limitations. Batman also uses his equipment tactically, manipulating the environment and laying traps, while Moon Knight can only use his equipment the way his other personalities would use that weapon, so Batman has the advantage throughout the fight.