9. Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw) vs. Frank West (Dead Rising)

Our Fighters: Juliet Starling, high school senior, cheerleading captain, and zombie hunter. Wielding a bedazzled chainsaw, she protects her town and combats the undead alongside her boyfriend, Nick’s decapitated head (it’s complicated). Her list of accomplishments include defeating five zombie overlords, being fast and strong enough to use a chainsaw to block machine gun fire, take lightning bolts head on, being able to perform a magic ritual to reanimate Nick’s head, and defeating a giant monster-sized zombie, by slicing off it’s limbs. Although she is still a high school student and has the emotional maturity as such, and notably isn’t too bright. She is also still vulnerable to zombie attacks, just like any other human being.

Frank West is a photojournalist (He’s covered wars, you know!) who covered the original zombie outbreak in Willamette, Colorado. Frank has quite the impressive list of feats to his name, including, taking down 53,594 zombies, stopping a terrorist from infecting America, fighting off U.S. Special Forces, defeating insane normal humans, and continuing to fight even though he has been infected by a zombie virus, and has been taking punishment throughout the game. The best part however, he did all of this within three to four days! The notable weaknesses Frank has is that he is still just a normal human being, still vulnerable to the same things any person is. He also requires a special medication to stop himself from going full zombie.

Why are they Fighting: Both Juliet and Frank may be the best at combating the undead, but now they need to prove they can combat each other to prove who’s the best!
Predicted Winner: Frank West will win this battle. Both fighters are adept at combat, trained or improvised, but it ultimately will come down to experience. Juliet may have the power and reflexes to block machine gun fire and tank lightning, but Frank’s improvised combat, and assortment of weapons gives him an edge. Juliet may have defeated a number of zombies, but a majority of the time, she required help from Nick, or her family to take down the zombies. Frank, meanwhile, handled the entire crisis by himself or with very little help. Both fighters may have handled the problems in similar timeframes, but given the amount of what they went through, Frank went through more difficult trials. Also, Juliet’s main weapon, her bedazzled chainsaw may be powerful, but Frank has experience using and combating chainsaws from fighting Axel the Clown.