2. Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) vs. Super-Skrull (Marvel Comics)

Our Fighters: Monkey D. Luffy is known as one of the “Big Three” of Shonen Jump and anime. Luffy is easily one of the most recognized characters in anime. His story is well known among the anime enthusiasts. Luffy is a man who dreams of becoming the Pirate King, and to that end has a motley crew he assembled to accomplish his dreams. Luffy is peculiar among other pirates because of his powers. After ingesting the Devil Fruit known as the Gum-Gum fruit, (or Gomu-Gomu no Mi for those who speak Japanese), Luffy’s body becomes like rubber, adopting the same properties as such, including elasticity and plasticity. This allows Luffy to become immune to bullets, clobbering with objects, and high resistance to punches and kicks. Luffy also has a large amount of combat prowess, he can predict his opponent’s moves, endure powerful attacks, deliver attacks to other Devil Fruit users directly bypassing their powers, and even intimidate weaker foes into fainting by glaring at them. With all this power, Luffy has accomplished much during his adventures. Luffy has battled other pirates with frightening powers, defeated corrupt Navy officers, declared war on the World Government, Single handedly changed the power structure of the Government and status quo with his actions, Survived lightning strikes, hundreds of poisons at once, and overpowering giants, defeating a robot in one hit, and tamed an entire island of beasts in two years. Luffy has a lot of deeds and power but his weaknesses are also numerous. Luffy’s powers make him vulnerable to blades, knives, sharp objects, and indirect attacks, such as fire, lava, sand, etc. The power of the Devil Fruit also robs Luffy of his ability to swim; contact with seawater weakens him substantially. Luffy is also vulnerable to hypnosis, and is pretty gullible; he can be fooled by practically any lie told to him.

Super-Skrull, (or known as Kl’rt, in his native language), is an alien shape shifter and warrior, who was chosen by the Skrull Empire, to become a Super-Skrull, their version of a super-soldier, to combat the Fantastic Four. With genetic engineering and energy infusion, Kl’rt became the Super-Skrull, who had new powers beyond a typical Skrull. Super-Skrull had obtained a hypnotic gaze to force others to do his bidding, his shape shifting was powered up, and he was given the combined powers of the Fantastic Four. Super-Skrull could do anything they could and more. The Super Skrull could generate flames like the Human Torch, but Kl’rt could manifest fire in space. He had the strength, endurance, and rock like skin of the Thing, the stretching power of Mr. Fantastic, and invisibility and force fields of Invisible Woman. Combined with training in military tactics, the Super-Skrull was a force to be reckoned with. Although he has lost to the Fantastic Four many times, his accomplishments still shine through. Super-Skrull has defeated a small army of superior Super-Skrulls on his own, can combine the Fantastic Four powers in creative ways, has gone toe-to-toe with Thor, the Hulk, and the Silver Surfer, has absorbed the heat of a sun, lifted 100 tons, and easily destroy a building as an afterthought. However, the Super-Skrull does have weaknesses. For a long time, he was dependent on a power beam that gave him his powers, but that is no longer the case. Super-Skrull is vulnerable to his own powers, as he has hypnotized himself at a point. Super-Skrull can overload his powers, and is also still vulnerable to the elements like anyone else.

Why are they Fighting: Both Luffy and Kl’rt have a significant amount of power, and apply them in similar ways, now to see how they do!
Predicted Winner: Super-Skrull by a mile. Luffy has similar power, but is ultimately unable to combat Kl’rt’s power and tactics. Luffy may have smashed multiple powered foes, but Kl’rt is known to go toe-to-toe with stronger enemies, and his powers exploit all of Luffy’s weaknesses. Luffy is simply out of his weight class here.