Grant Johnson has been playing “Overwatch”
PS4, Xbox One, PC
I became addicted to Overwatch after my first match. I was kind of surprised because I was hesitant to buy it from the get go. Something about a game that doesn’t have a single player campaign or experience spells trouble to me. But I took the gamble on it and I am infinitely impressed. Each character has their own unique challenge to them in how they play, and while some take a little bit longer to master, I was happy to discover that the basic learning curve is easy to grasp. Having the game for a few weeks now I have identified some characters as clear favorites, but with each new day I play I’m finding myself experimenting with characters that I initially did not take to. This game has quickly taken control of my household. When either myself or one of my roommates picks up the controller to play, the other two are right on the couch watching and waiting to give suggestions and compare tactics. My only real complaint is the lack of local split screen, especially considering that Activision is able to invest and include in their Call of Duty titles. Really though, that is a small complaint for a game that is artistically bright, mechanically deep, and endlessly playable.