Pokémon Go is like geocaching for beginners. You wander around for miles, probably on some middle of nowhere back-roads where you’re likely to get shot, just for the chance at scoring a little entertaining trinket. The difference here, on the other hand, is that this game has been a childhood dream come true for many.
At the time of writing this, the most powerful Pokémon I have caught is a Fearow at CP 263. I had to have thrown at least six different Pokéballs at it before I finally managed to catch the stubborn bird, before the final one it just kept escaping the ball. In most of my encounters with the higher leveled Pokémon, if they escape your first attempt, you’re screwed. More often than not, they would immediately run away. That’s why I was shocked that I managed to capture the Fearow at all, with a Golbat and a Pidgeot having escaped within seconds of me spotting it. And let me tell you to all of those who haven’t started the game yet, there’s no greater sense of disappointment then seeing powerful Pokemon disappear just as fast as you find them after walking aimlessly for an hour.
And yet, even with all it’s problems in the first week of playing, there’s an odd addicting nature that keeps me wanting to go outside and keep looking. Sure, the eggs take forever to hatch and the you’re bound to lose to ridiculously powerful gym leaders when you start out, but that’s just the makings of a Pokémon master I suppose. You can’t be the very best, like no one ever was, without a little trial and error and waiting for the servers to work again. – Donald Strohman, Knoxville TN