I have this major girl crush on Kiersten White. I mean, her novels are so witty, hilarious, well-written, and gorgeous. Ever since I first read Paranormalcy, I had this burning desire to just read more of her books. Except there was one problem…. they hadn’t come out yet! Fast forward to May of 2014. Not only has Kiersten White written The Chaos of Stars and finished the Paranormalcy series, but she’s also just released In The Shadows. My soul has been fulfilled!
Honestly. I’m not joking.
In the Shadows chronicles a portion of the lives of Cora, Minnie, Thomas, Charles and Arthur. Cora and Minnie are sisters with vividly different personalities, ever since something happened that might have caused their father’s death. Their mother runs the local boarding house, which now houses Thomas and Charles. Meet Thomas and Charles, brothers with secrets of their own. And then we have Arthur, the mysterious boy who knows more about the rest of the characters than they’d ever like to know. As time starts running out, Cora, Minnie, Thomas, Charles and Arthur must joint together to find out the truth about the evil out there and stop it.
This plot is surreal. However, I don’t know if it’s a good surreal or not. I was confused for most of the book as to what was actually going on. In fact, I’m so confused. I’m not exactly sure what Kiersten White was thinking for the plot, but whatever she was, it’s too complex and difficult for my brain to make sense of. OK, I’m stop being so over dramatic. In the Shadows‘ plot is unique, but sometimes that uniqueness takes out what actually matters, clarity.
I think this is the first time I’ve read one of Kiersten’s writings in third person. So much for first being the worst- her writing in third-person is simply phenomenal. OMG I really admire her style. It’s dark and gorgeous and lush, all while providing a range of feeling for her characters in her narration. There’s really nothing else to say other than kind words for her writing.
Time to rant about illustrations! I for one am not really a fan of illustrated novels. Usually I find that the pictures detract from the actual novel. However, in this case, Jim Di Bartolo’s sweeping images truly do add to the novel. These illustrations are truly one of a kind, and they make you feel like you’re truly part of the story. In that case, I think I’ll make a pit stop and say hi to Arthur.
Or not.
Rating: 6 out of 10
Publisher: Scholastic (April 29, 2014)
Source: Netgalley
ISBN #: 9780545561440
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, YA