The Little Prince is a unique adaptation of the beloved story of the same name originally written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and follows the life of a young girl who is living in a very adult world as she learns what it’s truly like to be a kid. The girl’s mother has controlled most of the girl’s activities and leaves little room for any kind of kid stuff. The mother has gone to great lengths to ensure that her daughter’s life is so structured that the little girl will have no problem fitting into the monotonous life of the average adult in the film.
Being hell-bent on getting her daughter into a prestigious school, the mother moves them to a bland new neighbourhood close to the school. Unfortunately, the only house they could get on short notice was the house that is closest to a dilapidated, unusual home with an even weirder inhabitant. Day after day, the old man living next door tries to get the little girl out of the shell her mother has been crafting all these years and to start behaving like a kid.
To achieve this, the old dude has been using parts of The Little Prince story to open the mind of the little girl and encourage her creativity. The relationship between these two characters is so realistic and is a step above your average Pixar movie. The film also effortlessly shows the many ups and downs of a regular friendship after the little girl gets into an argument with her new friend when he explains to her that he’ll have to “leave her soon” (i.e. he’ll die). Still, thanks to her friendship with the old man, the little girl experiences the world from a different perspective and realizes that her life doesn’t have to be a dull, monotonous one.
Similarly, The Hawkweed Prophecy follows the lives of two special little girls wh
Portraying friendships in movies and novels isn’t something that just anyone is good at. I’ve gone through massive amounts of Young Adult films and books that lack proper, well-developed relationships and when I do come across ones that do an amazing job, I literally have to gush about them. The Little Prince and The Hawkweed Prophecy are one of the few pieces of work that have done a great job of achieving this.
The Little Prince will be available on Netflix as of today and The Hawkweed Prophecy comes out on September 6th.