03. Know Not Why: A Novel, by Hannah Johnson
This was one of the first books I read on my Oyster app, and let me tell you, this book is witty, fun, and worth the money spent! Johnson is quite subtle in her actions but bold with her characters’ words. It has the potential to cause a quick snap close, but trust me when I say that Johnson writes her main character with a bold tongue for a reason. The main character works in an arts and crafts shop and falls in love with a dude. It’s delightful in its delivery and soft in its reception. You will be fond of this book once you’re done, I promise. It’s an LGBT novel and one of my favorites of all time. The dynamic flows beautifully, and the banter between all of the characters is superb. I’m waiting for another release from Johnson like this one, but only time will tell. This novel is not on shelves or available in hard copy, so be sure to download the e-book ASAP. It’s worth every pretty penny.