Book Review: ‘Let It Snow’ by John Green, Lauren Myracle, and Maureen Johnson

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Sparkling white snowdrifts, beautiful presents wrapped in ribbons, and multicolored lights glittering in the night through the falling snow. A Christmas Eve snowstorm transforms one small town into a romantic haven, the kind you see only in movies. Well, kinda. After all, a cold and wet hike from a stranded train through the middle of nowhere would not normally end with a delicious kiss from a charming stranger. And no one would think that a trip to the Waffle House through four feet of snow would lead to love with an old friend. Or that the way back to true love begins with a painfully early morning shift at Starbucks. Thanks to three of today’s bestselling teen authors—John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle—the magic of the holidays shines on these hilarious and charming interconnected tales of love, romance, and breathtaking kisses.

Even though it is no longer the holiday season, I could not help but slip in a Christmas-themed read this month. (You can blame the feels for this one.)

Prior to reading this book, I have never read one where each author wrote a mini story and intertwined it with the others. It was a different setup and had a refreshing format than what I am used to. Even though it is not Christmas anymore, it still brings the feelings of the holidays. Love was in the air and the comradery of friendship was always close by. Let It Snow reminds you of the importance of relationships; whether it is the strong bond between you and your closest friends or realizing that you have fallen for your best friend.

Let It Snow centers around a group of characters that are quite the interesting bunch. Their collective story lines intertwine in a graceful way; however each story could stand alone. Though you do see the characters from the previous stories appear in the next story, it is done ever so lightly until the very end when they all meet up. Moreover, I picked up on the different writing styles of the three young adult authors. I was able to hear their unique voice as they varied in humor and how they presented their characters and plot points.

One of my favorite quotes from the book comes from Lauren Myracle’s story. “‘Can’t you just trust in our love, without asking me to prove it every single second?’” (Myracle). Words have never been so true. I find it funny how books have a timely way of matching up with your own personal life. It reminds you that you are not alone. It reminds you that there is another person out there who is thinking the same thoughts and it binds you to a complete stranger. When I was reading this quote, I thought about how it is hard for me to trust people. I constantly need them to prove to me by words of affirmations that the connection is there. So, it is important to note how much depth a book holds and how words come in a timely fashion.

From all of the characters in the book, I connected to Addie the most. Though she seems to be caught up in her own world most of the time, she still cares about her loved ones. She wants the big gestures in a relationship, just like in the movies, and who would not? But she realizes that what she has is more than enough. Addie’s way of forgetting to be grateful for what she has is a trait that struck me. Even though it seems as if people do not put in a lot of effort, they may be putting in a  lot but in their own unique way. We all speak different love languages, per se, and well they are sometimes just that- different. But there is something great about being a hopeless romantic and that is what she is and one of the reasons why I was drawn to her.

Lastly, can we gush over how perfect the ending was. It was such a comforting feeling to see everything and everything come into place. It brought that wintery cozy feeling that I was hoping for! We see all of the characters come together in a coffee shop and from one point to the next, the authors did a great job making their stories fit together and end perfectly. Everyone had their happily ever after and isn’t that what the holidays are about–happiness and love?


Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group

ISBN #: 9780147515018

Length: 368 pages



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