If you haven’t heard of Anna Bright’s debut novel, The Beholder, you might not have been paying attention to YA book buzz this past June.
For those of you in that camp, The Beholder is an alternate historical novel bursting with fairy-tale and myth about a young woman who must set sail to find the perfect match. It has been compared to both wildly popular books, The Selection and Caraval.
The sequel, out this upcoming June, promises the same irresistible romance and lush writing as the first and has a captivating cover that honestly took my breath away.
Read on for the gorgeous cover and the synopsis of The Boundless. But beware, spoilers abound!

Isn’t the cover stunning? Author Anna Bright wrote:
“I knew the cover for The Boundless was coming soon, so I was in refresh-my-email-constantly mode, but I still wasn’t prepared for it. It’s as romantic as The Beholder’s cover; I’m absolutely floored by the beautiful detail and the metallic elements. But it also reflects the sequel’s slightly more dangerous tone—and its change in scenery. (Any guess whose gate and tower those are?) The stakes are higher than ever, and Chris Kwon and our incredible team at Vault49 captured that so clearly. I couldn’t be more thrilled OR grateful.”
Don’t read on if you want to remain spoiler-free!
About The Boundless:
After enduring deception at the hands of one prince, Selah never imagined she’d find love with Torden of Norge. Or that she’d be banished from his court as a traitor and a spy, unsure when or if they’ll see each other again. That heartbreak pales in comparison to her crew’s—her friends’—betrayal. The Beholder’s true mission was a secret they didn’t trust Selah to keep: transporting weapons to rebels fighting against the Imperiya Yotne’s brutal tsarytsya, whose shadow looms over their next port, Shvartsval’d—a place Selah hoped she would never have to go.But gone is the girl who departed Potomac filled with fear. With a stockpile of weapons belowdecks and another prince waiting in the next port, Selah is determined to see the Beholder’s quest to its end.
The Boundless by Anna Bright will be available on June 9, 2020. Click here to pre-order The Boundless.