In November, TBS premiered their new dark comedy series, Search Party. The show follows a group of four (sometimes five) self-centered friends who end up involved in the search for a girl that they knew in college. And while they start…
TV Review: Scream Queens 2×08 “”Rapunzel, Rapunzel”
Scream Queens unmasked the final Green Meanie, and it looks like the season is just getting interesting. Grace’s dad, Wes, is back, and it doesn’t look like he’s there to win Dean Munsch over. Although if anyone is going to…
TV Review: Scream Queens 2×06 “Blood Drive”
If the Scream Queens writers are reading this, thank you for listening and I would also like to put in some potential names for the third Green Meanie. But really, who would have guessed that what I wanted to see…
TV Review: Scream Queens 2×05 “Chanel Pour Homme-icide”
After an excruciating hiatus, Scream Queens finally returned with an entertaining episode that gave us some more answers that didn’t actually confirm anything, yet. The way they pushed the plot along left the chance for Denise to come back, something…
TV Review: Scream Queens 2×04 “Halloween Blues”
Chanel mourning the death of Chad Radwell might very well be the best part of this episode. Not only did she find time to go change into her Jackie Kennedy costume, but she also managed to talk to him from…
TV Review: Scream Queens 2×03 “Handidate”
Scream Queens made it’s return after a brief hiatus with a possible death that really shocked, and more answers to questions that we didn’t know we had. Chad Radwell isn’t dead. I am willing to accept any explanation, except the…
TV Review: Scream Queens 2×02 “Warts and All”
Scream Queens counted on the success of last season’s characters to carry over into the new season and it turned out even better this time around. Chad Radwell came back to the show in style, and we even got an…