Justin Carreiro
431 Articles0 Comments

Justin is a fun-loving twenty-something living in downtown Toronto, Canada. He’s an avid TV buff, movie fan, and gamer. In addition to writing for The Young Folks, he has contributed to Entertainment Weekly's The Community, Virgin, TV Fanatic, FANDOM, and his blog, City Boy Geekiness.

Scandal 7×01 Review: “Watch Me”

The powerhouse of ABC’s TGIT is back for its final season – and the season premiere could not get here soon enough. The queen herself, Olivia Pope, is sitting in the White House and she’s in control. For the last…

Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers 35×02 Review: “I’m a Wild Banshee”

Hidden immunity idols are the most powerful commodity to have in Survivor. A smart (and lucky) player knows how to use their idol. If a castaway uses it correctly, it can shake up the game. None have been used so…

Gotham 4×02 Review: “A Dark Knight: The Fear Reaper”

“A Dark Knight: Fear Reaper” proved why Scarecrow is one of the most terrifying (and powerful) Batman villains. Fear is a dangerous thing and based on those affected this week on Gotham, it can lead to pandemonium when left unchecked.…

Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers 35×01 Review: “I’m Not Crazy, I’m Confident”

The games have begun for the latest season of Survivor. After thirty five seasons (yep, you read that right), CBS dusted off an old chestnut and gave it a new spin for this season’s twist. Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs.…

Gotham 4×01 Review: “A Dark Knight: Pax Penguina”

Gotham City has fallen to regulated chaos. After the events of the season three finale, it’s surprising to see how quickly the villains have amassed approved control since then. Everything is structured, filed and agreed upon by the leader –…

Big Brother 19 Finale Review

Can you believe it?! I’m still shocked over the Big Brother 19 finale. History has repeated itself in the most satisfyingly, cruel manner. A 5-4 vote determined the winner and ultimately created Big Brother history. After a very lackluster season,…

Big Brother 19 Review: “Week #11”

We’re heading into the home stretch, Big Brother fans. The final three have been revealed! Christmas, Paul and Josh are sitting pretty with a chance at the half million dollar prize while Alex and Kevin are moving into the jury…