Jon Espino
411 Articles3 Comments

Jon would say that as a writer, he is a self-proclaimed film snob and a pop culture junkie. Always gives his honest, critical, and maybe a little bit snarky opinion on everything. He's very detail oriented and loves anything involving creativity and innovation. You're better off asking him who his favorite director is rather than his favorite film. So beware and get ready to be entertained. You can contact him at or follow him on twitter @DystopianHero. (Also, he doesn't always refer to himself in the third person, but sometimes he just has to).

Jon’s Movie Review: Prisoners

A few of the major causes of stress in your life are money, your job, your family, or the death of someone you know. That being said, the experience of sitting through Prisoners was possibly the most stressful 2.5 hours…

Jon’s Movie Review – Insidious: Chapter 2

We all have our own personal demons. Ghosts of our past that we wish we could forget. Ours are of course metaphorical because if they were otherwise life would just become a living hell. The Lambert family are all too…

Jon’s Movie Review: The Family

Friends are fleeting, but family is forever. No matter what trouble you’re in, your family will always be there for you. DISCLAIMER: This does not apply to your mob family, because they will kill you if you cross them. And…

Jon’s Movie Review: Riddick

Since time immemorial, parents have been telling their children that there is nothing to be afraid of when it comes to the dark. As kids, our basic instincts said otherwise, forcing us to look under the bed for monsters, to…

Jon’s Movie Review: The World’s End

Coming home can either be something you look forward to or something you dread more than getting a root canal from a drunk endodontist. One thing everyone can agree on is that coming home, whether it is to a large…

Jon’s Movie Review: Kick-Ass 2

You’ve come to expect things in your life. You expect to at some point be dumped by a person you love. You expect to go to an M. Night Shyamalan film and leave disappointed. You expect to find out you’ve…

True Blood: Season 5 to Season 6 Update

Only one more episode left for this season of True Blood. I know there are usually 12 episodes in a season, but you can blame Anna Paquin who got pregnant at the time of filming. So the season ends this…