The story follows the viral phenomenon known as Batkid, AKA cancer survivor Miles Scott. His origin story is a simple, but powerful one. After a lifelong battle with lymphoblastic leukemia, he was able defeat his nemesis and put him in remission.…
Interview: Shira Piven, Director of Welcome to Me
Welcome to Me is the story of new millionaire, Alice. With her newfound money, she decides to create her own talk television show where she talks all about her life: past, present and even future. What makes her journey unique…
TV Review: Mr. Robot (1×01) “”
Summer is here in all of its humid, sunny glory. That fantastic time of year if you’re a kid out of school for summer break. For the rest of us it is a disastrous season where all your favorite TV…
TV Review: Another Period (1×01) “Pilot”
Comedy Central has been on a roll when it comes to female written and led shows. The monumental success of Inside Amy Schumer and Broad City are just a couple examples of the quality shows the network is releasing. With so much…
Video Game Review: Batman: Arkham Knight
Platform Played: Playstation 4 Developer: Rocksteady Studios Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Release Date: 6/23/2015 There have been no incarnations of Batman that have gotten close to what I experienced in Batman: Arkham Knight. This is Rocksteady’s answer to a question we…
Jon’s Movie Review: ‘Manglehorn’
From mobster to gangster to kingpin to character study, Al Pacino’s evolution is beginning to become exciting to watch, especially this year. Coming off of a high this year after playing a fictional superstar musician in Danny Collins, he’s reminded us…
Jon’s Movie Review: “Love & Mercy” Unveils Brian Wilson
There is an intrinsic, symbiotic relationship between an artist and his artwork. Neither can truly exist without the other. Most of the time, it is impossible to separate the two, but it is possible to hate one and like the…