Bri Lockhart
402 Articles0 Comments

Bri is a 25-year-old born and raised in the swamps of Jersey. Just kidding, she lives at least twenty minutes from those swamps. She’s a publishing professional that moonlights as a writer. She enjoys going to concerts (anything from Rooney to Springsteen to NKOTBSB), roadtripping, and complaining that she truly belongs in the 1950’s, the 1920′s, or the 1980′s depending on her mood. She definitely owns more books than she should and reads every chance she gets. If you stop hearing from her, it’s because the book piles have fallen over and smothered her to death in the night. You can contact her at Twitter: @bri_lockhart

From the Record Crate: Simple Plan – “No Pads, No Helmets…Just Balls” (2002)

Music-wise, my middle school years were characterized by the rise of pop punk. With all the biggest pop acts maturing, they made room for those following in the footsteps of bands like Blink-182–acts like Good Charlotte and Avril Lavigne, who…

Concert Review: Panic! at the Disco at Madison Square Garden

Panic! at the Disco has been in flux for the past few albums, lineup-wise; Vices and Virtues was marked by the departure of guitarist Ryan Ross and bass player Jon Walker, while Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die…

TV Review: The Royals (3×10) “To Show My Duty in Your Coronation”

THE SITUATION: This week on The Royals, it’s finally time for Prince Robert’s coronation. Spoiler alert: this isn’t really good for anyone, least of all our friendly neighborhood Royal family. Helena’s Brush with Death Spencer runs in to tell Helena…

TV Review: The Royals (3×09) “O, Farewell, Honest Soldier”

THE SITUATION: The privy council is about to vote on who should be America’s Next Top Model, by which I mean the next King of England. This is my way of saying Tyra would have made the scene with the…

76 Thoughts I Had While Revisiting Crossroads (2002)

In case you’re wondering, no, I don’t watch anything that doesn’t star a pop artist. I’m kidding, but just barely. Did you scoff when you read the title Crossroads? Did you roll your eyes and consider it just another ridiculous,…

Album Review: Fifty Shades Darker Soundtrack

The release of a new Fifty Shades of Grey movie means one thing (to me): a new Fifty Shades soundtrack. I have no interest in the books, very little interest in the movies (I would watch them for Jamie Dornan’s…

From The Record Crate: Fall Out Boy – Infinity On High (2007)

  Today marks the tenth anniversary of Fall Out Boy’s third studio album, Infinity on High. Fall Out Boy had made a name for themselves after the wild success of From Under the Cork Tree. That album had won awards…