This week on Emerald City, the show dove much deeper into the unique and engrossing lives of the characters, and dazzled us with its stunning scenery. Emerald City redeemed itself from the premiere episode last week by setting a strong…
TV Review: Taboo Series Premiere – “Shovels & Keys”
Tom Hardy stars as James Keziah Delaney in the highly anticipated U.S. premiere of Taboo. Created by Tom and Chips Hardy, as well as Steven Knight (Peaky Blinders), Taboo dives deep into the gloominess of early 19th century London as…
TV Review: Emerald City Series Premiere – “The Beast Forever” + “Prison of the Abject”
After many long years of rewrites and push-backs due to “creative differences,” Emerald City has finally reached network television. Although the show possesses strong and ambitious elements, it is evident that Emerald City has been put through the primetime wringer…