This week’s episode “Witness” starts with cloaking us in blue in Chuck’s home. It seems like he’s hired some sort of overnight protection whose playing solitaire. The poor guy has to sit in Chuck’s oil-lantern-lit house in the dark all…
TV Review: The Originals 4×05 “I Hear You Knockin”
This week’s episode of The Originals took a step back and analyzed the ever down- falling relationship that is Klaus and Marcel and the start of a surprising new relationship between Freya and her once captive now BFF Keelin. Starting…
TV Review: Better Call Saul Season 3 Premiere “Mabel”
So, did Saul just die in within the first five minutes the season 3 premiere of Better Call Saul ? The episode titled “Mabel” derives from the book The Adventure of Mabel, a fond memory Jimmy has, or well, forgot…
The Originals 4×04 Review: “Keepers of the House”
The Hollow is coming on this week’s new episode of The Originals “Keepers of the House” with little Hope in grave danger as the malevolent force makes its presence known in New Orleans. With the original family back on their…
TV Review: Sleepy Hollow Season 4 Finale “Freedom”
The season 4 finale of Sleepy Hollow wrapped up many of it’s loose ends in “Freedom” and whether or not we’re getting another season, I have to say that I’m fairly satisfied with how this so-so season has concluded. The…
TV Review: The Originals 4×03 “Haunter of Ruins”
This week’s episode of The Originals delves into Vincent’s past, his connection to a terrifying new threat and, of course, in “Haunter of Ruins” we finally get a look at Daddy Klaus. In fact, those moments with Klaus and little…
HBO Launches New ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Trailer
If there’s anything HBO does best, it’s promo. It’s newest Game of Thrones season 7 trailer released today featuring our three main players Jon (Kit Harington), Dany (Emilia Clarke) and Cersei (Lena Headey) walking through harrowed halls, sitting on empty thrones…