On Thursday, May 16, E! Entertainment aired the final episode of Busy Philipps’ late-night talk show, Busy Tonight. The show ran for over 100 episodes, with A-list guests taking a seat on the couch of her living room-esque set. From…
Music Interview: Whatever We Are
Safe to say there are so many artists out there continuing to blur the line of genres. There’s no longer a “one-size-fits-all” checkbox to categorize one artist over the other. This was 100% evident when four friends came together to…
Music Interview: Polar Youth
Other than her signature orange hairdo Elisabeth Verstraete aka Polar Youth proudly (and effortlessly) rocks, she’s also well-known for the music she’s been producing. At just the age of 12, she took off on her own to learn the ins…
Saved By The Bell Turns 30: A Look Back on the Best Episodes
This past weekend marks the 30th anniversary of the hit sitcom Saved By The Bell. While that’s still hard to believe, we have to take the time to thank this show for some of the greatest storylines and characters in…
Top 5 Artists We’re Excited to See Perform at Outside Lands Music Festival 2019
With Coachella officially over, it’s safe to say that it’s officially festival season. From here on out, the next few months will be filled with news of what’s happening at each festival. The one we’ve got our eyes set on…
Music Interview: Taylor Janzen
Fresh off the stage performing at this year’s SXSW, we spoke with singer-songwriter Taylor Janzen who has one hell of a captivating stage presence. Off-stage, Taylor’s debut album Interpersonal allows you to be even more entranced with her powerful lyrics…
Don’t blink while watching ‘Stranger Things 3’ trailer
“One summer can change everything” — that’s the tagline for this long-awaited season 3 of Netflix’s sci-fi hit show. After constant teasing, the streaming service has finally dropped the official trailer. Don’t blink, though. You just might miss something. Bloody…