The CW’s Nancy Drew knows how to do a season finale right! After discovering the return of the Wraith, the Drew Crew banded together to find a way to save Nancy’s life. And in turn, “The Echo of Lost Tears” became a mind-bending adventure for our favorite detective to conquer her trauma and come face-to-face with her past. It’s a great metaphor for Nancy Drew and a creative way of giving Nancy plenty of character development in a short amount of time. Nancy Drew Season 2 ended on a high-note.
The trip through Nancy’s inner consciousness felt like a different approach to Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s “Restless.” There were a few similar beats, like the different meanings of the Drew Crew, the return of the past, and a mysterious being somewhere in the dreams. “The Echo of Lost Tears” is more linear than “Restless.” Nancy couldn’t move forward unless she faced her inner demons. This approach kept it grounded for Nancy’s character because the moments that were chosen were the biggest that affected her life. If she had to face everything before reaching the Wraith, it would’ve taken too long and convoluted the story. And Nancy is a rationale and logical character—she wouldn’t need too many levels before figuring out what was going on.
I loved Nancy’s scenes with the inner Drew Crew members. The encounters gave a hint as to how Nancy viewed her friends, what she thought about them, and what she truly wanted to say to them in real life. Of course, Nancy would view George as the protector and Bess as the child at heart; both played those roles in Horseshoe Bay and they would be the most reliable when it came to saving Nancy or approaching her childlike self. Her appreciating Nick’s friendship was sweet as it showed the pair moved beyond their earlier romance to develop a new love that worked better for them. Nick will always be there for her, even if it’s not the way Nancy originally expected.
Was anyone else surprised that Nancy claimed Nick had chosen George over her? Her truth was a tad surprising since the pair were naturally driven apart after all the secrets and distance. Nick was single at the time and explored a new romance with George. The dialogue seemed like, at the time, Nancy had expected her and Nick to eventually get back together, but Nick chose a new relationship over her. It proves that even Nancy buries her feelings and resentments about past relationship deep down. Arguably, them not being together anymore was the right call for their characters—the revelation in the cemetery only helped her come to accept that reality.

The same goes for Odette and George coming to terms about their reality. After all these months of them sharing a body, it’s sad that Odette will be leaving. She’s grown on Nancy Drew and became a fun honorary member of the Drew Crew, but Hannah was right, they couldn’t share the same body forever. And, it was George’s life that was being affected since she had to share her body and mind with Odette. Odette sealing herself away in George’s was a heartbreaking and selfless move she made, which was the best gift she could’ve given anyone. Her tearful goodbye (and kiss) with Bess was the best way her character could’ve been written out since it ended on a tearful note and a heroic gesture for her story.
Nancy’s encounter with Ace in the dreamscape, on the other hand, gave every “Nace” shipper the start they’ve longed awaited for. Did you feel the sparks between them? They would’ve kissed had it not been a fictional world in Nancy’s mind and they were holding baby Nancy. It’s great she came to terms with the reality everyone else had noticed: Nancy has feelings for Ace! If only she had figured it out sooner before Ace and Amanda went on their road trip. Though, I have a feeling that relationship won’t last too long. They may have reprioritized each other, but it came after they both placed other things at the forefront of their relationship; Ace and Amanda are on different pages and eventually it will crumble the relationship. Even Ace felt like something was amiss during the trip.
Nancy ending things with Gil was the right choice, regardless of the Wraith’s contamination affecting her. The pair were more concerned about solving cases and throwing caution to the wind instead of making a real future together. She and Gil served the “flirtation with the bad boy” trope, which was the complete opposite of her past relationships with Nick and Owen. Gil was fun, adventurous, and oh so wrong for her. He probably had real feelings for her and she felt for him too, but they didn’t have the sparks to last.

Claiming the Hudson throne and revealing her paternity could cause a lot of problems for Nancy. Sure, she’s doing it for the right reasons and will help a lot of people with the resources. However, she’ll be at the forefront of any scandals and drama coming her way from people who want to see the Hudsons suffer. Her plan with Ryan and Carson to create the adoption papers will solve one issue that will most likely come up. Though, Nancy needs to be ready from whoever tries to hurt her next, even Everett Hudson from his jail cell.
“The Echo of Lost Tears” revealed the Big Bad coming up for Nancy Drew Season 3 and it’s none other than Temperance Hudson, the prolific sorceress and villain of the Hudson family tree. We’ve heard of Temperance before and what she’s done to the people of Horseshoe Bay, so her return will no doubt cause a lot of chaos and terror for people in town. And her using Nancy’s blood could be the extra piece she needs to enact plenty of evil to the Drew Crew. It’ll be an interesting change as Temperance is fully in the supernatural spectrum of villains as compared to the balance of real life and ghostly foes that made up the second season. Plus, did anyone else get major The Secret Circle vibes from the last shot of Temperance overlooking the town? (Ugh, I miss that series!)
Nancy Drew season two episodes can be streamed on