I never realized the magnitude of Raina Telgemeier’s impact on my childhood until a few days ago. Not only did she pen the bestselling Smile, but she also illustrated the graphic novels of The Babysitter’s Club series. Having worshiped those graphic novels for some of elementary school and all of middle school, I think it’s fair to say that Raina Telgemeier is the keeper of my childhood. As you can guess, that’s the reason I read Sisters. Your reason to read Smile may be different. That’s okay, as long as you end up buying the novel and cherishing it forever.
Sisters, the companion novel to Smile, revisits the Telgemeier family. This time, the main problem isn’t Raina’s teeth. It’s her sister, Amara. Sisters explores the relationship between Raina and Amara as they learn to deal with their differing personalities and problems between their parents. Implementing both present day narratives and flashbacks, Raina Telgemeier once again strikes gold with this charming graphic novel about sisters.
Sisters is as humorous and cute as Smile. Adults and kids alike will both be laughing out loud, as Sisters is just that funny. Unlike most authors, Raina Telgemeier remembers what it’s like having a sister as a child. She accurately portrays the experiences, comprehensively documenting the good and the bad. (I have two younger sisters, so I know what it’s like between Raina and Amara). The plot, which may seem pretty serious in the synopsis, is relatively lighthearted. Do realize that Sisters is only two hundred pages long, so there’s not much room to deeply explore the bonds between family members.
A picture is worth a thousand words. If you use that logic, Sisters is by far the best buy in any store. The fact that she drew two hundred pages worth of drawings is crazy, in the best possible way. It doesn’t hurt that Raina Telgemeier’s art is phenomenal. Her drawing style perfectly complements her narration. Although her drawing style may seem childish, trust me when I say that Raina Telgemeier pulls it off. (She pulled it off in Smile, so she pulls it off in Sisters as well)!
Raina Telgemeier is both a skilled artist and a great storyteller. You don’t want to miss out on reading Sisters! Even if you haven’t read Smile, Sisters is the perfect read for all situations! Honestly, with a cover as awesome as this one, it’s pretty obvious that Sisters will be a read that blows your socks off!
Rating: 9 out of 10
Publisher: Scholastic (August 26th, 2014)
Source: Netgalley
ISBN #: 9780545749510
Length: 200 pages (Paperback)